Your choice in hemostasis
Sangustop® is a highly efficient felt-like hemostat. It is composed of native absorbable collagen fibrils of bovine origin; in addition, Sangustop® contains riboflavin.
Sangustop® is suitable for all types of bleedings (from oozing to severe haemorrhages) and it can be used in open and laparoscopic surgeries.
- Ready-to-use approach
- Excellent adhesion to bleeding surfaces
- Both sides equally active
- Simple handling (also in laparoscopy)
- Absorbed within 3 - 4 weeks
- Can be used as a carrier material for antibiotics or coagulation agents
Sangustop® can be applied in:
- Parenchymal organs
- Capillary bleedings
- Bleeding stitches
- Oozing
Video Laparoscopic Myomectomy
Dr. med. S. Mohr, Prof. Dr. med. M.D. Mueller, University Women'sHospital Berne, Switzerland
Video Liver Resection
Prof. Dr. med. Wolf O. Bechstein, Director of the Department of Generaland Vascular Surgery, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt amMain, Germany
Video Carotid Surgery
Dr. med. V. Suominen, Department of Surgery, Division of VascularSurgery, Tampere University Hospital, Finland
Video Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy
Dr. Xosé Mª Pena, Servicio de Urología, Clínica Sagrado Corazón U.S.P.,Sevilla, Spain
Video Fem-pop Bypass
Dr. med. V. Suominen, Department of Surgery, Division of VascularSurgery, Tampere University Hospital, Finland