ON-Q® PainBuster®
Pain Relief System
- Soaker Catheter
- With multiple and laterally aligned holes for an even spread of the local anesthetic, to ensure proper and sufficient post operative wound infiltration
- Patented design
- Also available as a silver-ion coated catheter (Silver Soaker®) to avoid bacterial infections
- Elastomeric pump
- Delivers local anesthetics (e.g. Bupivacaine) at a pre-set flow rate
- Non-electronic device: no programming, no disturbing alarms or time consuming maintenance
- Pump also serves as drug container
- Included Accessories
- 60 ml filling syringe
- E-clip or carry case
- 17G T-peel introducer(s) and sheath(s)
- 5 ml priming syringe
- Medication label
- Peel-away labels
- Filling extension set - 400 ml models only
- Reduced length of hospital stay
- Significantly less narcotics
- Simplicity - no electronics, no maintenance
- Reduction in treatment costs
- Decreased complications associated with narcotics
Range of Application
Performing the technique of wound infiltration via the ON-Q® PainBuster® system, a steady spread of a local anesthetic throughout the wound over a long period of time can be guaranteed. Long-term wound infiltration reduces side effects that would occur when using narcotics for post operative pain management. Thus a quicker return to normal, a fast resumption of the body functions and the full range of motions can be achieved in a fast and less straining way.