Solution of hyperoxygenated fatty acids
Linovera® is a solution of hyperoxygenated fatty acids used in the prevention and treatment of Stage I pressure ulcers. Due to the high percentage of linoleic acid, its repairing action is increased.
The vegetable extracts – aloe vera and centella asiatica – have a major protecting and healing effect on the skin.
- Hyperoxygenated essential fatty acids (linoleic acid)
- Tocopherols
- Aloe Vera
- Centella Asiatica
- Perfume
- Protects against external agents
- Improves skin resistance
- Helps to renew upper epidermis
- Restores capillary circulation(1)
- Stimulates the synthesis of collagen(1)
- Has a hydrating and healing effect(2)
(1)Cravotto G. et all. An evaluation of the potential of 1000 plants. Journal of clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2010 35:1:11-48
(2) M. De Pera, Evic Hispinia (Barcelona, Spain), Assessment of moisturizing effect in humans, Study report n°05-0144/1/05.137, 22 Mar 2005.
Prevention and treatment of Stage I pressure ulcers