B. Braun Space GlucoseControl
B. Braun Space GlucoseControl is a decision support system that realizes safe and reliable glucose levels in critically ill patients. With its intelligent dosage algorithm, the B. Braun Space GlucoseControl integrates enteral and parenteral nutrition and exactly determines insulin rate and next sampling time. The system is clinically proven.
The system is based on the Space pump platform. Space Control linked with the SGC module is the central user interface for the pumps operating in the SGC mode. The system works with a Space perfusor equipped with an insulin driver syringe and one or two Space Infusomat pumps for parenteral and /or enteral nutrition.
- Achievement of safe and reproducible, stable blood glucose control within the requested target range
- Changes in nutrition will result in an immediate adaptation of the insulin rate
- Reduced risk of potentially dangerous hyper – and hypoglycemia
- Advance notice of next measurement of glucose
- Reminder alarm when measurement has to be done